Sunday 20 November 2011

Technology Tastes Better Nowadays

A few years back, words like apples, blackberries, palm, strawberry and mangoes were all considered fruits. Well, as the world develops, we have really evolved and so has technology. This has brought about all sorts of names which might make you think twice about what they actually are.

When I say blackberry, what is the first thing that comes into your mind; a fruit or a phone. My guess is most of you will say it’s a phone. Some years back apple would have meant a fruit so why do we think of an iPhone or an iPad when apple is mentioned. Strawberry; yummy right! Until u ask LG. It’s a phone and you can’t eat it. Ice Cream Sandwich and your mouth begin to water, wait till we ask Google what it is and they put it on your Android phones. Well, it’s their new OS. Mango? Yes you want a Windows phone.

A clear case of technology taking over nature. Let us hope it doesn’t take over humans, where one day if you say ‘woman’, someone might ask, the human being or ‘that’. So what will be the future for the yummy technology? Which fruits might be the next?

Remember, nowadays, you can take a bite of that apple but still watch your movies on it, taste a blackberry and still send a BBM with it or taste that ice cream and use it on your Nexus. What about the mango in your hands, fruit or Windows phone. It works both ways, the symbiosis of nature and technology.