Sunday 20 November 2011

Technology Tastes Better Nowadays

A few years back, words like apples, blackberries, palm, strawberry and mangoes were all considered fruits. Well, as the world develops, we have really evolved and so has technology. This has brought about all sorts of names which might make you think twice about what they actually are.

When I say blackberry, what is the first thing that comes into your mind; a fruit or a phone. My guess is most of you will say it’s a phone. Some years back apple would have meant a fruit so why do we think of an iPhone or an iPad when apple is mentioned. Strawberry; yummy right! Until u ask LG. It’s a phone and you can’t eat it. Ice Cream Sandwich and your mouth begin to water, wait till we ask Google what it is and they put it on your Android phones. Well, it’s their new OS. Mango? Yes you want a Windows phone.

A clear case of technology taking over nature. Let us hope it doesn’t take over humans, where one day if you say ‘woman’, someone might ask, the human being or ‘that’. So what will be the future for the yummy technology? Which fruits might be the next?

Remember, nowadays, you can take a bite of that apple but still watch your movies on it, taste a blackberry and still send a BBM with it or taste that ice cream and use it on your Nexus. What about the mango in your hands, fruit or Windows phone. It works both ways, the symbiosis of nature and technology.

Friday 7 October 2011

Will the Apple get rotten?

On the 4th October, 2011, most people were disappointed when they realized there was no IPhone 5, but an iPhone 4S; an improved version of the iPhone 4. Tim Cook’s first delivery on introducing an Apple product did come with the great expectations. Many people went home disappointed and Apple shares did fall. Are we expecting too much of the most valuable tech company? Well, they have always lived up to the hype and hope the new cook is cooking something ‘techie’ for the i-people.

Little did we know that the disappointment of the iPhone 4S was just a prelude to an unexpected greater disappointment, the passing away of the co-founder of Apple Inc. The man who really change the world on how we saw and used our phones, computers and other gadgets. We were well aware of Steve Jobs’ ill-heath, but who thought it will come just 6 weeks after he resigned. After his first scare, Jobs seemed to have overcome the fear of death. That surgery which kept him alive until yesterday gave him a second chance to reflect on life, but that didn’t stop him from doing what he loved most. Now the big question is will Tim Cook carry Apple to the next level? Can he or will the Apple get rotten?

Steve is no doubt the most successful head of Apple. He came back and turned the company around after his absence did not show much success. The fear of most Apple fans is the return of the company to the doldrums. Steve handpicked Tim to takeover and he probably knows why. Tim is relatively unknown to most Apple fans because Steve was really Apple. Steve represented the totality of the Apple brand. Some fans and industry watchers think Tim will not be able fill the huge shoes of Steve Jobs. Other fans also think the Apple brand will be further promoted by the sympathy and news coverage of Steve’s death. An Apple fan said ‘now that Steve is gone, where will Microsoft steal from?’

Let’s hope Apple still continues to provide the world with the leading edge technology we all desire or else the Apple will get rotten soon. Goodbye Steve (1955-2011).

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Apple, playing with our emotions?

Apple, playing with our emotions?

We were all comfortable with our ‘ordinary’ phones, making calls, sending SMSs’ and browsing the web. We were not craving for much, though. RIM’s Blackberry, Nokia, Motorola, Sony Ericson and the rest were just up to the task of giving us what we wanted. We never complained but then came the iPod. The iPod by Apple Inc. made waves by changing the way we carried music around. We soon got hooked to it and every student wanted to own one. Little did we know Apple had a secret revolution in mind? Masterminded by their Chief strategist and General, Steve Jobs, they were bent on taking over the world. Then came the rumors, a special phone was about to be launched by this secretive tech company. Everybody knows Apple Inc. does not joke with eye-catching designs and wonderful colors.

On the 9th January, 2009, Apple Inc. keynote address at the Macworld Conference & Expo held in Moscone West in San Francisco, California. In his address, Jobs said, "I have been looking forward to this for two and a half years", and that "today, Apple is going to reinvent the phone." Yes, they did reinvent the phone. All was evident when the phone was released on the 29th June, 2009. Wandering where all these people came from, the queues in front of Apple and AT&T retail shops were just overwhelming. Everybody wanted to get a hand on the smart phone first on the market. I just wondered what the other phone companies had said when they saw that sleek object. Yes, and I watched Steve Balmer, CEO of Microsoft, downplay the success of the iPhone saying who will buy that expensive phone when Microsoft had a lot of cheap Windows Mobile phones. I guess he is still living the shock of the success of the iPhone. Other companies have tried to catch up, but copying has been the order of the day and their innovations are trying to keep up with the pace of the iPhone.

Since then, Apple Inc. has come out with the generations of the iPhone just when we were getting used to the previous one. Then came the rumors of a tablet and many said it was going to be a flop, maybe for the first time Apple was going to get it wrong. Again, there was a TKO by Apple Inc. who proved the success of the iPad by selling 3 million devices in 80 days. Looks like anything Apple touches turns into gold- or gets sold making the other tech companies grow cold.
Is Apple playing with our emotions? In a love relationship, you don’t break up with the one you have fallen in love with; doing that will cause serious emotional problems which we all know. Just when you have really fallen in love with your i-gadget, the rumors start again- the next generation of your gadget is coming soon, yes sooner. Apple is really playing with my emotions, now I have to wait for my new love iPhone 5. Sorry Generation 4 we soon have to part ways, nice time though.

What do we expert today as the iPhone 5 is launched? Without Steve Jobs, will Tim Cook stand up to the task; so far he had had very little flaws. And what do we expect of an iPad 3?

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Researchers convert soundwaves into electromagnetic energy, silence no longer golden

Researchers in Japan and Germany have converted energy from soundwaves into electromagnetic energy, trapping...

Sunday 18 September 2011

Will Windows 8 Take the Touchscreen PC Mainstream?

An awful lot of things have changed about PCs over the past few decades. One that hasn't has been the way we input information into them. We still use the QWERTY keyboard, which was invented by typewriter pioneer Christopher Shoales...

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ViviTouch haptic technology hands-on: electroactive polymer giving a 'high definition feel'

Haptic feedback isn't exactly something that'd blow people's mind these days, with most mobile devices and gaming controllers already packing a little vibrator to spice up one's gaming experience. While these motors do the job just fine for delivering the sensation of large engines and explosions, their monotonic performance and relatively high minimum output threshold means they can't reproduce finer vibration. For instance, you wouldn't be able to feel a guitar string fade...

When is that darn iPhone 5 coming? (Ask Maggie)

Waiting for the iPhone 5 has been like watching a glacier melt. It feels like it's taking forever.

Since 2007 when the first iPhone was released,

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Friday 16 September 2011

RIM Earnings Even Worse Than Expected

Oh dear. BlackBerry manufacturer RIM has coughed up its second fiscal quarter results, and they're not pretty. In fact, they're downright ugly....

Google readies social news magazine app

Google is working on a social-news magazine that will be accessible on the iPad and Android devices, according to reports.

"Mind-blowing good," is how digital pundit and blogger Robert Scoble said a source of his described it in a post late on Wednesday on Google+.

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Case-Mate briefly posts 'iPhone 5' case gallery

In a peculiar move, accessory maker Case-Mate briefly posted renderings of a new line of cases for the Apple's next iPhone, which has not yet been announced by the company.

Included in the renderings were depictions of Apple's next device,

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Thursday 15 September 2011

Apple '3D imaging and display' patent was cutting edge in 2005

Do u think Apple is way ahead of the present day technology and might be playing 'catch us if you can' with the other tech companies? Share your thoughts.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Windows 8 details: new features, UI enhancements and everything in between

Today, Windows Division prexy Steven Sinofsky treated Build 2011 attendees to a walkthrough of the various tweaks, subtle or otherwise, Microsoft's made to Windows 8. Staying true to its roots,...