Sunday 30 September 2012

Do you remember when Sony was Apple? Sony dominated consumer electronics for decades, but that was a long time ago.

There was a time when Sony was the first name in consumer electronics. The company's Trinitron TVs dominated the TV market for decades. In 1975, Sony's Betamax was the first widely adapted consumer video recorder format. The Walkman hit the market in 1979 and changed the way people listened to music, creating the personal audio market category. In 1982 the CD, which the company developed jointly with Philips, changed the way we listened to music even more. Sony extended its reach when it purchased CBS Records in 1988 and Columbia Pictures in 1989, and scored a triumph in the home videogame console realm in 1994 with the first PlayStation. More recently, Sony backed Blu-ray and quickly dispatched the only other HD video challenger, HD DVD. READ MORE Tomorrow is the 30th anniversary of the introduction of the CD. I'll look back on its history in tomorrow's blog post.

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