Sunday 10 March 2013

Has APPLE Lost It? Who will rule the Market?

Referring to my post on the 7th of October, 2011 titled 'Will the Apple get rotten?', I talked about how I felt the death of Steve Jobs was going to disturb Apple in terms of innovation and competing with the upcoming smart phone companies trying to catch up. Well, can we say that Apple is struggling  to compete with Samsung in terms of smartphones and Google is on their heels with the Android series?

And the competition gets tougher as Blackberry came back strongly with the Z10 and Q10, but wondering whether it would survive the ever growing number of smartphones. I think they(BB) reacted too late to their slump in market share. In actual sense I think those who made the competition serious have taken the greater market share, talk of Apple and Samsung, which means Nokia, HTC and the rest are just chasing behind. Apple comes out with the smartphone but has not been able to catch up on innovation. They seem to have forgotten that today's consumer has an ever changing taste for newer technology. Samsung got it right when they copied the design of the i-phone. That was the major thing that Apple had over the competing smartphones. Although not right, Samsung copied their way into success bringing themselves closer to the great i-phone.

Apple lost it when they kept focusing on just design while Samsung raced to bring some extended innovations to the already beautifully designed phone. They came out with direct call- which dials a number by just bringing the phone to the ear. Other innovations include 'tilt to zoom', a larger screen which seemed crazy at first, but now seems normal and yes, a stylus. Apple, left behind, could only come out with a longer phone with pretty the same design and no NFC with some very disturbing maps and the stock prices are moving southwards. I think Tim Cook should get to the kitchen and start cooking something new.

I think the next innovations will be applications which can affect our daily lives and make them better. Apps for checking our health- heart beats, blood pressure, monitoring our children accompanied with wearables which can connect to your phone seamlessly are here to stay- talk of the Google Glass and other gadgets which will be strapped to the body to improve our lives. Those who will get it right will rule the market and will go the bank smiling.
By the way Samsung is coming out with something new on March, 14th- the Galaxy S IV.

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